Saved Dataset name
Mark Elder
I keep the .fr3 files for my application under source control. After diffing some of my latest changed I noticed a change
The DataSet name used to start with a "." followed by the name. Now they include the DataModule's name first. So in the following snipit "DataModuleCheckRegister" didn't used to be there.
I'm not sure if I did something to cause this change or if it is a difference between FastReports 4 and 5.
I'm concerned that if I change the name of my DataModule that my reports will stop functioning.
I add all of my DataSets at runtime to the report with code like this:
Does anyone know why my dataset tags could have changed and do I need to be concerned about future Data Module renames breaking my reports?
The DataSet name used to start with a "." followed by the name. Now they include the DataModule's name first. So in the following snipit "DataModuleCheckRegister" didn't used to be there.
    <item DataSet="DataModuleCheckRegister.checkData" DataSetName="All Checks"/>
I'm not sure if I did something to cause this change or if it is a difference between FastReports 4 and 5.
I'm concerned that if I change the name of my DataModule that my reports will stop functioning.
I add all of my DataSets at runtime to the report with code like this:
  if FDataModule <> nil then
    for i := 0 to FDataModule.ComponentCount - 1 do
      if FDataModule.Components[i] is TfrxDataSet then
        if frxReport.DataSets.Find(FDataModule.Components[i] as TfrxDataSet) = nil then
          frxReport.DataSets.Add(FDataModule.Components[i] as TfrxDataSet);
Does anyone know why my dataset tags could have changed and do I need to be concerned about future Data Module renames breaking my reports?