Problems with rich text

edited 8:04AM in FastReport VCL 5
I am using a piece of business administration software which uses fastreport to output information and have recently ran into an issue I am unable to resolve. I am getting two different outputs from the same variable in different reports. When I run a report from the "aftersales" section the output is normal as below.
New Hood

Remedials sheet 18/12/2014

1 - Supply and fit tops-cut, upstand and top where coffee machine to fit.

2 - Template glass (mantle will need dismantled to fit).
(and so on)

However, when I run a report from the "aftersales reports" section the output appears as below.
{\rtf\1ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2057\f0\fs22 New Hood\par
Remedials sheet 18/12/2014\par
??? supply and fit tops-cut, upstand and top where coffee machine to fit. \par

In both cases I have used an RTF object with the same parameters. The only thing that differs are the data set values.

Data field: Description (COMPLAINT)
Data set: Complaint details

as opposed to

Data field: Description (COMPLAINT)

When I leave the data field and set blank I get
Remedials sheet 18/12/2014
??? supply and fit tops-cut, upstand and top where coffee machine to fit.

Which is missing the rtf tags but is also missing the rest of the data from the field.

The variable i am using is [Customer details."Description (CUSTOMER)"]

I am not sure what I can do to resolve this issue or if it can be resolved.


  • PolomintPolomint Australia
    edited 8:04AM
    Have you checked that there are no "braces" (i.e. { } ) in the "Customer.Description" data?

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