PDF Export from Default Preview Not Working

edited April 2015 in FastReport VCL 5

I am using Fast Report 5.2 in Delphi XE7.

I have a form with a TfrxReport component and a TfrxPDFExport component on it. The ShowDialog property of the PDFExport component I set to True. I also have some code that loads and shows a report using the standard "built in" preview.


The report then shows in the built-in preview - no problem. The "Save as PDF File" option under the "Save" menu is visible in the preview, as is the "Quick Export to PDF" button on the toolbar. However, if you click either the "Save as PDF File" or the "Quick Export to PDF" button, nothing happens. There is no dialog, no error message, no output file - nothing.

If I set the FileName property on the TfrxPDFExport component to "Test.pdf" at design time and then try to export to PDF from the preview again, it creates the PDF export file in the current folder without a problem, but is does so silently (i.e. it doesn't show the Save As dialog, even though the ShowDialog property is True).

Can anyone else perhaps confirm that this is a bug, or am I doing something wrong?


  • gpigpi
    edited 10:03PM
    TRy to use latest FR 5.5.11. If error still exists - create and send demo project to support@fast-report.com

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