RTF export problem


There is a problem when I export a FR3 to RTF format: if I try to open the RTF file in Word 2000 I get the following error : A table in this document has become corrupted. To recover the contents of the table: select the table and choose Convert Table To Text from the Table menu.

If I try to open it in Word 97, I don't get any error but the colors are not the same as in the original report. However, the layout is ok.

If I try to open it in Word 2002 or 2003, the layout and the colors are ok (it looks almost exactly the same as the original).

Any ideas?

Many thanks,


  • edited 6:35AM
    We don't have any ideas except that Word2k is buggy (it can't open rtf that can be opened in Word95, Word97, WordXP, wordpad).

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