How to detect that a previewed report has been printed ?
I need to detect if a previewed report has been printed or not ?
If there is no way, is it possible to override frxReport Print button ?
I need to detect if a previewed report has been printed or not ?
  FFrxReport.PreviewOptions.Buttons := FFrxReport.PreviewOptions.Buttons -
  if FFrxReport.PrepareReport then
    if FFrxReport.ShowPreparedReport then
    If ReportWasPrinted then....
If there is no way, is it possible to override frxReport Print button ?
Thank you.
I'm using AfterReportPrint event
I can get the number printed through Delphi in 'procedure frxReportAfterPrintReport(Sender)' by reading 'frxReport.PrintOptions.Copies'
or from my report variable <NumPrinted>, which is cumulative.