Each row in master band is printed on a new page
Each row in master band is printed on a new page instead of normal row-after-row on one page.
If I set RowCount to 0, just empty pages printed.
If I set RowCount to N, than each row duplicated N times, and new page started after that.
StartNewPage is false on the band.
If I set RowCount to 0, just empty pages printed.
If I set RowCount to N, than each row duplicated N times, and new page started after that.
StartNewPage is false on the band.
but have the dataset connected to the tfrxreport component itself.
Cannot use the same dataset for Report.DataSet and Band.DataSet
If I deselect Dataset on Report, I cannot select it for Master Databand at all.
And it works ok.
Do I have to define KeyFields / IndexFields anyhting else on dataset ?
it is used to tell the report the number of times to run.
it cannot be used to connect to the report design page master databand.
the dataset connected to the masterdataband must be a separate dataset.
What type of report are you trying to create.
As soon as I removed DataSet from frxComponent in Visual C++ - report came out nicely.
Thanks a lot!