Print order
since a few days I create my reports with Fastreport instead of Crystal Reports.
I use it with Delphi XE2.
Now the problem. I start printing within a loop. Same report with different data,
because I need an own printjob for each datagroup. But now the printer output is
not in the same order as I start it.
Is there any option that the reports are printed one after each other?
Thank you for help.
since a few days I create my reports with Fastreport instead of Crystal Reports.
I use it with Delphi XE2.
Now the problem. I start printing within a loop. Same report with different data,
because I need an own printjob for each datagroup. But now the printer output is
not in the same order as I start it.
Is there any option that the reports are printed one after each other?
Thank you for help.
Here is my code:
GS_Journal.LoadFromFile(MInfo1.Reportpfad +'\fastreport\WoreBuchungsjounalGutscheine.fr3');
GS_Journal.Pages[1].visible := false;
GS_Journal.Pages[2].visible := true;
GS_Journal.Pages[3].visible := true;
while not eof do
begin end;
2/ Also you may considere to use the result of print function to wait the end :
if GS_Journal.Print then
not sure but U may try.