problema con informe para factura

edited 12:20PM in FastReport 4.0
Hola a todos, he creado un informe para imprimir una factura. En el tengo un pagefooter con los totales de la factura. Le he indicado en el dise?±ador de informes
que este pagefooter se imprima solo en la ultima hoja, pero no lo hace. He desmarcado la casilla de imprimir en primera hoja. Esta marcado imprimir solo en la
ultima hoja. pero se imprime en todas las paginas menos en la primera. Solo quiero que se impriman los totales en la ultima hoja y que sea en el pie de hoja.

Alguien que pueda ayudarme. Muchas gracias.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:20PM
    the language for this forum is english please repost
  • edited 12:20PM
    Sorry did not know you had to be in English.

    Hi all, I created a report to print an invoice. I have a PageFooter with totals in the invoice. I have indicated in the report designer
    This PageFooter printed only in the last page, but it does not. I have unchecked the box in first page print. This marked only in print
    last leaf. but it is printed on all pages except the first. I just want the totals are printed on the last page and is at the foot of sheet.

    Someone who can help me. Thank you very much. And sorry for my bad English
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:20PM
    take a look at the main demo basic reports nested groups and masterdetail for ideas.
    only use the page footer for things like page number or total pages that you want printed on every page.
    detail header
    detail footer
    master footer
    the above footerbxnds can be driven down to the bottom of the page
    by writing code in their onbefore print event to check the engine free space and set the engine cury property to suit.
    btw you english is pretty good
  • gpigpi
    edited 12:20PM
    Try to print report summary at the bottom of the page
    See here for more info:
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:20PM
    paul you cant use a summary band if you are handling more than 1 invoice in a report.
  • edited 12:20PM
    Sorry but I recorded the code

    ReportSummary1OnAfterCalcHeight procedure (Sender: TfrxComponent);

    Engine.CurY: -reportsummary1.height Engine.PageHeight -pagefooter1.Height = - 1;

    But I get error below in the code editor in the report designer FR with a red line indicating "Begin expected"
  • edited 12:20PM
    Achieved by chance

    The code works is this:

    ReportSummary1OnBeforePrint procedure (Sender: TfrxComponent);
    If Engine.CurY> engine.PageHeight-ReportSummary1.Height-50 Then Engine.Newpage;
    Engine.CurY: = engine.PageHeight-ReportSummary1.Height-50;


  • edited 12:20PM
    Achieved by chance

    The code works is this:

    ReportSummary1OnBeforePrint procedure (Sender: TfrxComponent);
    If Engine.CurY> engine.PageHeight-ReportSummary1.Height-50 Then Engine.Newpage;
    Engine.CurY: = engine.PageHeight-ReportSummary1.Height-50;


  • gpigpi
    edited 12:20PM
    Attach your report template (fr3) here
  • edited 12:20PM
    Attach my report template (fr3) here

  • gpigpi
    edited 12:20PM
    procedure ReportSummary1OnBeforePrint (Sender: TfrxComponent);
    procedure ReportSummary1OnAfterCalcHeight(Sender: TfrxComponent);
         if Engine.FreeSpace < ReportSummary1.Height Then Engine.Newpage;
         Engine.CurY := Engine.CurY + Engine.FreeSpace - ReportSummary1.Height - 0.00001;  

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