Still getting AV with 5.1.9, attached is a demo

I am getting an AV when embedding fonts. I am using the new realease 5.1.9 for XE7.

Attached is a demo.

Please fix quickly. I have a project that I would like to utilize the Threading Library in XE7 but I have not been able to upgrade my project to XE7 because of this bug. I do not want to wait another whole month for an update. Please fix quicker if possible.


  • edited 3:47AM
    Just tried 5.1.10 and still has the error.
  • edited 3:47AM
    rhodesv wrote: »
    Has anyone found anything here as a work around yet?

    They just released (11/27) 5.1.11 but it still has the bug. From talking with support it seems to occur in XE7 but works in XE6. I have not verified that.

    I purchased the source a couple days ago in order to try and fix this problem. Wish me luck. If it does work in XE6 then I can run 2 virtual machines (one XE6 and the other XE7) and step through code side by side (2 monitors) to see where the point of failure is. If it is a XE7 bug then I will try to find a workaround.

  • edited 3:47AM
    rhodesv wrote: »
    Has anyone found anything here as a work around yet?

    Today is thanksgiving and I need to stop working, but I do see something suspicious and a possible fix:

    Below is the code that is blowing up with an AV
    function CmapTableClass.LoadSignedCmapSegment(segment_ptr: Pointer; segment_count: Integer ): TSmallintArray;
      i: Integer;
      p : TWordArray;
        SetLength(Result, segment_count);
        p := segment_ptr;
        i := 0;
        while ((i < segment_count)) do
            Result[i] := TTF_Helpers.SwapInt16(p[i]);
    Here is another peice of code that works I think:
    function CmapTableClass.LoadCmapSegment(segment_ptr: Pointer; segment_count: Integer): TWordArray;
      i: Integer;
      ptr: ^Word;
        ptr := segment_ptr;
        SetLength(Result, segment_count);
        i := 0;
        while ((i < segment_count)) do
            Result[i] := TTF_Helpers.SwapUInt16(ptr^);

    See the difference, they are using a dynamic array in one (TWordArray) and then regular old style ^Word in the other. I am suspicious of the pointer assignment to the dynamic array because the compiler does reference counting to them. I have to leave for the day but I wonder if getting rid of the dynamic array cast and using old style pointers with Inc would fix the problem.

  • edited 3:47AM
    I fixed it in my source, if you have the source change the source in unit frxCmapTableClass line 193 to the below:

    The solution was to get rid of casting a pointer to a dynamic array.
        function CmapTableClass.LoadSignedCmapSegment(segment_ptr: Pointer; segment_count: Integer ): TSmallintArray;
          i: Integer;
          WordPtr : ^Word;
            SetLength(Result, segment_count);
            WordPtr := segment_ptr;
            i := 0;
            while ((i < segment_count)) do
                Result[i] := TTF_Helpers.SwapInt16(WordPtr^);
  • edited November 2014
    Thank you, Bill E,

    your fix saved my a.. today. I hope FR will use it or something similiar in their stable realease and publish it for XE 7 asap...
  • edited 3:47AM
    I see there is a new 5.1.12 version. Does this version have this fix in it?

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