need to capture in Delphi last page of a report that I created.

edited 12:07PM in FastReport 4.0
need to pass a variable into the delphi which the number of the last page of a report that I created. How can I capture this value?
help please ??


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:07PM
    create a variable in the reports variable list set it to 0
    assuming you are using total pages in a memo in the report,
    in that memos oap event write code

    in delphi write code for the report components enddoc event
    procedure TForm1.frxReport1EndDoc(Sender: TObject);
    tpage:integer; // or make a global variable

    tpage := frxreport1.variables;
    showmessage(inttostr(tpage)); // use example
  • edited 12:07PM
    gordk wrote: »
    create a variable in the reports variable list set it to 0
    assuming you are using total pages in a memo in the report,
    in that memos oap event write code

    in delphi write code for the report components enddoc event
    procedure TForm1.frxReport1EndDoc(Sender: TObject);
    tpage:integer; // or make a global variable

    tpage := frxreport1.variables;
    showmessage(inttostr(tpage)); // use example

    in the memo put two codes
    set ('page', (<TotalPages>));
    and then
    <page>: = 1;

    when I run the impression that comes within the enddoc method of report it is recognizing the variable to null.
    Attached'm spending the pictures with my font is;
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited November 2014
    put the code in the onafterprint event of the memo using the totalpages variable
    put the delphi code in the onenddoc event of the tfrx report component'
    works for me.

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