report with copies
Hello, i have a special Problem:
If i print a Report and the Report has copies (normal 4) then i need a different colored thicker Line on the left (Memo?) on each Report copy.
1 = original no color
2 = copy 1 = Color Blue
3 = copy 2 = Color Red
4 = copy 3 = Color Yellow
i tried width copyname# and it shows the right number of copy but the following doesn't work:
If i print a Report and the Report has copies (normal 4) then i need a different colored thicker Line on the left (Memo?) on each Report copy.
1 = original no color
2 = copy 1 = Color Blue
3 = copy 2 = Color Red
4 = copy 3 = Color Yellow
i tried width copyname# and it shows the right number of copy but the following doesn't work:
  if (Trim(<CopyName#>) = '0') or (Trim(<CopyName#>) = '1') then begin
    MemoKopienMarkierung.Color := clNone;                                                                               Â
  end             Â
  else if Trim(<CopyName#>) = '2' then begin
    MemoKopienMarkierung.Color := clBlue;
  end             Â
  else if Trim(<CopyName#>) = '3' then begin
    MemoKopienMarkierung.Color := clRed;                                                                             Â
  end             Â
  else if Trim(<CopyName#>) = '4' then begin
    MemoKopienMarkierung.Color := clYellow;                                                                             Â