dmp - columns in different positions

diaswdiasw Germany
edited 9:12AM in FastReport 3.0
Hi there,

I'm using FR 3.03 and at LPT1 is an Epson-compatible dot-matrix-printer.
I generated a new report as a dot-matrix-report and added header, grouping functioncs etc. everything works well, except...

The columns aren't printed in a line. in the editor and in the preview, they have the same position, but when printing, some lines have a gap of four characters.

The report is build with a sinlge dataset, then I used the grouping function to show master-detail-data (Customer -> Products). But in the details-band and the following childs bands, the gap appears.

2nd problem: some data are printed 'wide' even when the 'wide' parameter is set to false.

3rd problem: can you set the report-option Lines-per-inch?



  • edited 9:12AM
    Do you use dot-matrix report (TfrxDMPPage, TfrxDMPMemo) or regular report with text export?
  • diaswdiasw Germany
    edited 9:12AM
    In the datamodul form I have the frxReport and the frxDotMatrixExport-components. The report itself is a dmp-Report with the tfrxdmppage and tfrxdmpmemos.

    btw: using the wizard for a new dmp-Report I get an error 'Accessviolation in modul frx7.bpl.'


  • diaswdiasw Germany
    edited 9:12AM

    Hi there,

    unfortunately I have to go on with that report-design. Any suggestions about my problem?

  • edited 9:12AM
    Please send me example of your report, I'll look at it.

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