TfrRichView, suppress a line that contains a data
In the TfrRichView, is it possible to remove or suppress a line that contains a data field that does not have data.
In the letter below, the [AdsTable6."Notes"] field is populated with text from
a table. If that field for a particular record is empty, is there a way to remove or suppress that line and the one above it so that there is just one line between paragraphs?
Dear Mr. Jackson ,
Notify our coordinator at 212-123-4567 if you have
delays/problems getting your CT scan AND/OR if you do
not receive a letter like this in the mail by two
weeks after your next CT scan AND/OR you have any
questions or concerns.
If you have not done so recently, call 1-800-555-1212
to make a routine appointment for check-ups, including
immunizations and routine cancer screening. You must
also contact your care provider if you have any
symptoms that bother you.
The Hospital
Thanks if anyone could help with this,
In the letter below, the [AdsTable6."Notes"] field is populated with text from
a table. If that field for a particular record is empty, is there a way to remove or suppress that line and the one above it so that there is just one line between paragraphs?
Dear Mr. Jackson ,
Notify our coordinator at 212-123-4567 if you have
delays/problems getting your CT scan AND/OR if you do
not receive a letter like this in the mail by two
weeks after your next CT scan AND/OR you have any
questions or concerns.
If you have not done so recently, call 1-800-555-1212
to make a routine appointment for check-ups, including
immunizations and routine cancer screening. You must
also contact your care provider if you have any
symptoms that bother you.
The Hospital
Thanks if anyone could help with this,
You can use the OnBeforePrint event of the band displaying the "notes".
There use the "FIELDISNULL" function to determine if the field is empty.
Then do change the memo's and/or other components visible,height,width,
stetched properties accordingly. If i missunderstood the problem and you display
the whole text in a single memo, you can use a variable to pass the text to that memo. Again in obp event format the text as you like (by adding newline, spaces
etc) and you will have the same result. If anything else needed, please post a text with the result you want as final....
Hope it helps