3.03 is out
version 3.03
+ added Czech, Turkish resources
+ added TfrxUserDataset.Fields, TfrxUserDataset.OnGetValue properties
+ edition 1.01 of the documentation (page numbers added)
+ added TfrxDataBand.KeepHeader property
- bug fixes
+ added Czech, Turkish resources
+ added TfrxUserDataset.Fields, TfrxUserDataset.OnGetValue properties
+ edition 1.01 of the documentation (page numbers added)
+ added TfrxDataBand.KeepHeader property
- bug fixes
TfrxReportTitle.GroupIndex: Property GroupIndex does not exist
Band2.GroupIndex: Property Groupindex does not exist
TfrxHeader.Groupindex: Property Groupindex does not exist
I have to Ignore it All, and it works. But I have to ignore it always when I open my project.
Can you help ?
In the compilation of the project when we use filter pdf, it generates error in line 440 of unit frxPDFFile.
Lines.Text := TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj).WrapText(False);
Lines.Text := TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj).WrapText(True);