Exporting report in FR3


two problems:

In FR2 I had my own savedialog, where user choosed filter (PDF/BMP/JPG,....)
then filter dialog appeared. But now in FR3 then another savedialog appears...
It's integrated dialog in FR3. But it's usefull for me... Can I export to in FR3 without using extra save dialog?

And second problem. If I use export button in Preview window - there I can choose filter (PDF/BMP/JPG,...) and then only FR3 save dialog appers. But this save dialog doesn't offer any file name. I have to write it. Could you add in FR3.03 the name of my report to this save dialog.

Thank you.


  • edited 7:12AM
    Any idea ?
    thanks L.
  • edited 7:12AM
    I can add the Report.Name to this dialogue.

    Here is the method used in FR3 to show menu with possible export filters, you can use it for your own dialog:

    for i := 0 to frxExportFilters.Count - 1 do
    if frxExportFilters.Filter = frxDotMatrixExport then
    m := TMenuItem.Create(ExportPopup);
    m.Caption := TfrxCustomExportFilter(frxExportFilters.Filter).GetDescription + '...';
    m.Tag := i;
    m.OnClick := ExportMIClick;

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