Questions/To Decide about FR
(sorry for my english)
Hello, I???m playing with some generators reports to decide witch on I buy.
More Important
- I work with some Global variables in delphi, How can I pass/go these variables to FR.?
- I work with DataBaseExpress. For this, Simply, I must to use a frDBXComponents?
- I see there are 2 ways to use Fields in FR: Field???s Variables or Fields. With one i???ts the better? Advantajes and Disadvantajes.
- I see there are 2 ways to connect data to a frDBDataset: DataSet or DataSource(TclientDataSets). With one i???ts the better? Advantajes and Disadvantajes.
- The most of the reports that I want to create starts with de same PageHeader structure. How It???s posible to create a unique PageHeader for a lots of reports?
Less Important
It???s posible to obtain the code/source of the new FR demo? Where?
Thank you very much
Hello, I???m playing with some generators reports to decide witch on I buy.
More Important
- I work with some Global variables in delphi, How can I pass/go these variables to FR.?
- I work with DataBaseExpress. For this, Simply, I must to use a frDBXComponents?
- I see there are 2 ways to use Fields in FR: Field???s Variables or Fields. With one i???ts the better? Advantajes and Disadvantajes.
- I see there are 2 ways to connect data to a frDBDataset: DataSet or DataSource(TclientDataSets). With one i???ts the better? Advantajes and Disadvantajes.
- The most of the reports that I want to create starts with de same PageHeader structure. How It???s posible to create a unique PageHeader for a lots of reports?
Less Important
It???s posible to obtain the code/source of the new FR demo? Where?
Thank you very much
frVariables := anyvalue;
after use variable with name 'ANYVARNAME' in report.
This is very simple way.
Yes. This db-engine supported in FastReport.
Any way. As example i like to use Fields.
Nothing difference. Use any property.
Good question. In this time FastReport not support include directive
or any macro values or structures. Use copy/pase for it and global
varbles in text fields. In future we a planning release including of the report (or inheritance)
If you want - i send you all FR demo sources.