How to get a chart for each group?
I'm trying to produce a grouped report showing a X-Y graph of data for each group.
A simplified form of the data in my database table is below.
This I want repeated to be repeated for each group.
After much experimentation with the TfrxChartView (there is almost no documentation!) I have managed to get a reasonable looking chart when the data is filtered to contain only one group. (I put the chart object in the MasterData Band although it didn't seem to matter where it was).
However I cannot see how to make the chart repeat once for each group when the data has lots of groups in it.
Putting a group header above the MasterData Band simply makes the graph show ALL the data from every group all at once.
How should I lay out the various bands and TfrxChartView so that I get the chart repeating once for each group just like I can when displaying data using an ordinary memo?
A simplified form of the data in my database table is below.
Group Xvalue YValue
A 10 15
A 20 35
A 30 47
A 40 33
B 10 12
B 20 <null>
B 30 55
B 40 63
C 10 25
C 20 30
C 30 37
C 40 46
I want to display the group letter as a header and then show a X-Y plot of the values for that group.This I want repeated to be repeated for each group.
After much experimentation with the TfrxChartView (there is almost no documentation!) I have managed to get a reasonable looking chart when the data is filtered to contain only one group. (I put the chart object in the MasterData Band although it didn't seem to matter where it was).
However I cannot see how to make the chart repeat once for each group when the data has lots of groups in it.
Putting a group header above the MasterData Band simply makes the graph show ALL the data from every group all at once.
How should I lay out the various bands and TfrxChartView so that I get the chart repeating once for each group just like I can when displaying data using an ordinary memo?