No data visible in grid

edited 3:01AM in FastCube 2
I am new to FastCube. I installed trial version (2.1.8) to my Delphi XE2 and created very simple example.
I have TDxMemData (DevExpress Local Dataset) with very simple structure (SHOP, PRODUCT, SALE) linked to TfcxDBDataset, it to TFcxDataSource and TFcxCube.
On my form I have TFcxSliceGrid (and Toolbar) linked to TFcxSlice and to TfcxCube.
I see my fields in Fieldlist, I can drop SHOP to row, PRODUCT to column.
I can define Measure by drop SALE to center of grid.
It is all looking fine but I see NOTHING in grid. No summaries of SALE.
When I double-click on cell data are displayed correctly.


    fcxDBDataSet1.DataSet := DataModule1.dxMemData1;
    fcxDataSource1.DataSet := fcxDBDataSet1;
    fcxCube1.DataSource := fcxDataSource1;
    fcxSlice1.Cube := fcxCube1;
    fcxCube1.DataSource := fcxDataSource1;
    fcxSlice1.Cube := fcxCube1;
    fcxSliceGrid1.Slice := fcxSlice1;

    // clear field list

    // set cube source type
    fcxCube1.CubeSource := fccs_DataSource;

    // load data

    // define
    fcxSlice1.XAxisContainer.AddDimension( fcxSlice1.SliceFieldByName['SHOP'] );
    fcxSlice1.YAxisContainer.AddDimension( fcxSlice1.SliceFieldByName['PRODUCT'] );
    fcxSlice1.MeasuresContainer.AddMeasure( fcxSlice1.SliceFieldByName['SALE'], 'Sale','Sale', TFcxAgrFunc.af_Sum );

Please help me, it is probably something very stupid [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> Windows 7 Professional Czech Edition, Delphi XE2, FC2 2.1.8[/img]


  • edited 3:01AM

    I have the same problem using C++ Builder XE5.
    Do you solved it?

    Patricio Cerda
    Leonell wrote: »
    I am new to FastCube. I installed trial version (2.1.8) to my Delphi XE2 and created very simple example.
    I have TDxMemData (DevExpress Local Dataset) with very simple structure (SHOP, PRODUCT, SALE) linked to TfcxDBDataset, it to TFcxDataSource and TFcxCube.
    On my form I have TFcxSliceGrid (and Toolbar) linked to TFcxSlice and to TfcxCube.
    I see my fields in Fieldlist, I can drop SHOP to row, PRODUCT to column.
    I can define Measure by drop SALE to center of grid.
    It is all looking fine but I see NOTHING in grid. No summaries of SALE.
    When I double-click on cell data are displayed correctly.

        fcxDBDataSet1.DataSet := DataModule1.dxMemData1;
        fcxDataSource1.DataSet := fcxDBDataSet1;
        fcxCube1.DataSource := fcxDataSource1;
        fcxSlice1.Cube := fcxCube1;
        fcxCube1.DataSource := fcxDataSource1;
        fcxSlice1.Cube := fcxCube1;
        fcxSliceGrid1.Slice := fcxSlice1;
        // clear field list
        // set cube source type
        fcxCube1.CubeSource := fccs_DataSource;
        // load data
        // define
        fcxSlice1.XAxisContainer.AddDimension( fcxSlice1.SliceFieldByName['SHOP'] );
        fcxSlice1.YAxisContainer.AddDimension( fcxSlice1.SliceFieldByName['PRODUCT'] );
        fcxSlice1.MeasuresContainer.AddMeasure( fcxSlice1.SliceFieldByName['SALE'], 'Sale','Sale', TFcxAgrFunc.af_Sum );

    Please help me, it is probably something very stupid [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> Windows 7 Professional Czech Edition, Delphi XE2, FC2 2.1.8[/img]
  • edited 3:01AM

    You need to move field "Measures" to X or Y axis.
    For example:

    Best regards,
    Oleg Pryalkov.

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