Recompiling 3.02 with german resources
After installing 3.02 I tried to recompile with german resources. All went well until step 5 of the instruction (install.txt): Trying to compile/install dclfs*.dpk there was an error message: Package connot be installed, because another package with the same basename was already loaded (C:\Programme\Fastreports\Fastreport 3\LibD7\dclfs7.bpl).
Trying to compile dclfrx7.dpk the result was: Invalid file format
After that, the report-menu is in german, but what is that corrupted file? Can I use the design-time-packages?
Trying to compile dclfrx7.dpk the result was: Invalid file format
After that, the report-menu is in german, but what is that corrupted file? Can I use the design-time-packages?