Images with columns in the next page
Hello, my name is Marie. I am trying to create a report which has images in columns, but the images must start in the next page after the document is created.
I tried to put the option "Start on a new page" in the MasterData, which has inside a Subreport. I also tried read the User Manual, but I didn't find enough information about this matter.
The results that I got when I did this are as follows:
As you see, the images are separated and the first one is stuck in the first page while the second one is in the second page (as I want to). The idea is that both keep together and also if I put more images like that they keep the same format.
I let you see also the configuration of my FastReport if that helps you.
Could you please help me? I will appreciate it!
I tried to put the option "Start on a new page" in the MasterData, which has inside a Subreport. I also tried read the User Manual, but I didn't find enough information about this matter.
The results that I got when I did this are as follows:
As you see, the images are separated and the first one is stuck in the first page while the second one is in the second page (as I want to). The idea is that both keep together and also if I put more images like that they keep the same format.
I let you see also the configuration of my FastReport if that helps you.
Could you please help me? I will appreciate it!
what is the data relationship between data and pictures ?
Thanks for your soon answer gordk.
I used the 2 master bands because the results when I use just one were worst. For example,
Of course I also put the option "Start on a new page" in the image subreport but it doesn't work.
I will appreciate any kind of help, maybe I can find the way to do it.
what is the data relationship between printed data and pictures ?
Now, if you're talking about the relationship that the objects has inside the document, well, they are two different subreports, no relationship at all as far as I know.
Thanks in advance.
place your subrep in the detail band
set the detail bands rowcount prop to 1 and write code in the obp event of the detailband to force a newpage.
The only thing left if it doesn't bother you, is that the client asked me if the Images could start in the next page from where the text ends. That would be all.
I tried to put the same line code inside the subreport, the detail data band but I cannot get what I want.
Thanks a lot!
Hi friend, I did this but the images still appearing in the same page where text finishes, is there another way?
Thanks in advance for your valuable help.
i'll take a look at it.
btw what version and level of fr4 are you using
Here you have the fr3 file. Let me know you if you got it.
Kind regards.
you should set the startnewpage property to true for the detail band
I tried that too and the images still appearing in the same page where text ends... I really don't know if I am doing something wrong, but if you want to help me (or anybody else) again I would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance!