creating fastcube2 in reportdesigner
I try to make an print from an fastcube 2 trough fastreportdesigner.
I can select the TfcxpCube at the data tab and insert it as component.
Then i try to set the dataset to an frxDBDataset.
Whenever i click out of the dataset property the dataset proeperty is reset to not assigned.
What do i do wrong?
I try to make an print from an fastcube 2 trough fastreportdesigner.
I can select the TfcxpCube at the data tab and insert it as component.
Then i try to set the dataset to an frxDBDataset.
Whenever i click out of the dataset property the dataset proeperty is reset to not assigned.
What do i do wrong?
I looked at the code and is clear to me
procedure TfcxpCube.SetDataset(const Value: TfrxDataset);
if Value is TfrxDBDataset then
FDataset := Value;
FCube.Dataset := TfrxDBDataset(Value).DataSet;
// FCube.Active := FLoadActive;
if Value = Nil then
FDataset := Value;
FCube.Dataset := Nil;
MessageDlg('Can not assign non TfrxDBDataset to Cube!', mtError, [mbOk], 0);
The set is commented so will not work.
What to do?
I need in urgency to deliver the cube report in an project.
Is it commented because is not working?