set page size from picturebox size
I have report which has Picture1 object and it is binded tot DB it means each time it has diferent width and height.
Actually I want to set page size by Picture size something like following but the problem is different unit measure in Picture(Pixel) and page(mm) !!
I have report which has Picture1 object and it is binded tot DB it means each time it has diferent width and height.
Actually I want to set page size by Picture size something like following but the problem is different unit measure in Picture(Pixel) and page(mm) !!
FastReport.PictureObject p = report1.FindObject("Picture1") as PictureObject;
            ReportPage page1 = report1.Pages[0] as ReportPage;
            page1.PaperWidth = p.Width;
            page1.PaperHeight = p.Height;