Demo with inputs and outputs to delphi application

edited April 2014 in FastScript
here is my code for inputs and outputs.....
When i run the script, i get an error 'incompatible types' then i run it a 2nd time, there is no error?
What is causing the incompatible types ERROR?

{Form has Edit1, Edit2, Memo1, Label4, Button

procedure TForm2.bRunClick(Sender: TObject);
a,b: integer;
label4.Caption := '0';
fsScript1.AddVariable('a','Integer', a);
fsScript1.AddVariable('b','Integer', [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" />; fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines; fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit; if fsScript1.Compile then begin fsScript1.Execute; Label4.Caption := IntToStr(fsScript1.Variables); end else // execute if compilation was succesfull Label4.Caption := fsScript1.ErrorMsg; //show an error message end; function TForm2.fsScript1GetVarValue(VarName: string; VarTyp: TfsVarType; OldValue: Variant): Variant; begin if VarName='a' then Result := StrToInt(Edit1.Text) else if VarName='b' then Result := StrToInt(Edit2.Text); end; {script code in memo1 var i : integer; begin i := a + b; end. }[/img]


  • edited 10:34AM
    teddy wrote: »
    here is my code for inputs and outputs.....
    When i run the script, i get an error 'incompatible types' then i run it a 2nd time, there is no error?
    What is causing the incompatible types ERROR?

    {Form has Edit1, Edit2, Memo1, Label4, Button

    procedure TForm2.bRunClick(Sender: TObject);
    a,b: integer;
    label4.Caption := '0';
    fsScript1.AddVariable('a','Integer', a);
    fsScript1.AddVariable('b','Integer', [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="B)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" />; fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines; fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit; if fsScript1.Compile then begin fsScript1.Execute; Label4.Caption := IntToStr(fsScript1.Variables); end else // execute if compilation was succesfull Label4.Caption := fsScript1.ErrorMsg; //show an error message end; function TForm2.fsScript1GetVarValue(VarName: string; VarTyp: TfsVarType; OldValue: Variant): Variant; begin if VarName='a' then Result := StrToInt(Edit1.Text) else if VarName='b' then Result := StrToInt(Edit2.Text); end; {script code in memo1 var i : integer; begin i := a + b; end. }[/img]
  • edited 10:35AM
    When i run the script, i get an error 'incompatible types' then i run it a 2nd time, there is no error?
    What is causing the incompatible types ERROR?
    I have the same problem in my test application. I use the trial version for evaluation.
    I will not order the component if this error remains.

  • edited 10:35AM
    I solved the problem. I read earlier posts from users encountered the same problem (what should be done before posting!!)!!

    The order of statements is important.

    This works:
      fsScript1->Parent = fsGlobalUnit(); // use standard classes and methods
      fsScript1->SyntaxType = "PascalScript";
      fsScript1->AddVariable("i", "Integer", i);
      fsScript1->Lines->Text = mCode->Lines->Text;
      if (fsScript1->Compile()) {
    without error.

    This code:
      fsScript1->AddVariable("i", "Integer", i);
      fsScript1->Lines->Text = mCode->Lines->Text;
      fsScript1->Parent = fsGlobalUnit(); // use standard classes and methods
      fsScript1->SyntaxType = "PascalScript";
      if (fsScript1->Compile()) {
    generated an error when the script was run the first time. Afterwards no error occurred.
  • edited 10:35AM
    re is my code for inputs and outputs.....
    When i run the script, i get an error 'incompatible types' then i run it a 2nd time, there is no error?
    What is causing the inco

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