using dialog for editing text
I give my users some liberties to change some text in a prepared script. Normally I use this code when double click on a memo-item
Now I have a memofield with more than 4 lines. I can not use a inputbox for it, because the line is too long and there's no carriage return in it.
So I want to create a dialog which has the text copied from the memofield into a TMemo in a dialog. With double click on the item, the dialog should be appear.
But a dialog is executed before my prepared script is on screen.
Is it possible to start a dialog in prepared script manually to change my memofield values?
var s: String;
  s := TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text;
  SetLength(s, Length(s) - 2); // cut off #13#10
  TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text := InputBox('', 'change or delete text', s);
  Modified := True;
But this only works with a single line.Now I have a memofield with more than 4 lines. I can not use a inputbox for it, because the line is too long and there's no carriage return in it.
So I want to create a dialog which has the text copied from the memofield into a TMemo in a dialog. With double click on the item, the dialog should be appear.
But a dialog is executed before my prepared script is on screen.
Is it possible to start a dialog in prepared script manually to change my memofield values?