Regarding PrintOnFirstPage
I want to print a header on first page, but no the rest page. So, I set the PrintOnFirstPage to True, the result is the first page was not print the header but printed on the rest pages.
After I checked the source code, I found a condition for this option in frxEngine.pas as the following:
So, I change the condition from
After recompile, the header is printed on the first page but not the rest pages.
I'm not sure this is correct modification, because of the whole process flow, but the result is what I needed.
After I checked the source code, I found a condition for this option in frxEngine.pas as the following:
    if FIsFirstPage and (Band is TfrxPageHeader) and
      not TfrxPageHeader(Band).PrintOnFirstPage then
      if Band.PrintChildIfInvisible then
        Band := Band.Child
So, I change the condition from
    if FIsFirstPage and (Band is TfrxPageHeader) and
      not TfrxPageHeader(Band).PrintOnFirstPage then
    if not FIsFirstPage and (Band is TfrxPageHeader) and
      TfrxPageHeader(Band).PrintOnFirstPage then
After recompile, the header is printed on the first page but not the rest pages.
I'm not sure this is correct modification, because of the whole process flow, but the result is what I needed.