How to calculate Week Number?

edited 8:19AM in FastCube
I see Fast Cube calculates the Week Number from a date. How can I define my own algorithm to calculate this number? Our software is sold around the world and many regions use different systems to determine the last week of the year or when it starts.
By the way, which system does FastCube use? ISO?



  • edited 8:19AM

    FastCube 2 use ISO8601 for Week Number by default.
    But you can set property TfcxCube.WeekNumberISO8601 := False.

    Best regards,
    Oleg Prualkov.
  • edited 8:19AM
    Bu then how can I add my custom function to calculate the week number?

    I have been reading the manual and I cannot find the WeekNumberISO8601 property or how to custom attributes.

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