Recompile FR3.01 Pro

detlefdetlef Germany
edited 10:45PM in FastReport 3.0

I have tried to recompile FR3.01 Pro, after using German Resources.

When I used to recompile frxe7.dpk, I found out that the file "frxrcExports.pas" is missing. Could you please tell me, if it is possible to correct the fault by using the file of FR 3.0.

Thanks a lot,



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:45PM
    Read the notes in the resources folder and the notes on compiling in install.text
    "frxrcExports.pas" must be placed in the fastscript folder.
  • detlefdetlef Germany
    edited 10:45PM

    Thanks for your swift answer. After the installation of ???fr301d7p.exe??? I found out, that the file "frxrcExports.pas??? was already in the source folder. I think that the ???frxe7.dpk??? requires the file, in the source\ExportPack folder.

    When I copied the file "frxrcExports.pas??? from German resources into the source\ExportPack folder, it worked out fine.

    Thanks a lot,


  • edited 10:45PM
    That file should be placed into fr\Source\ExportPack folder. Now it is in the fr\Source, but compiler can't find it (interesting, why - path to this folder is in the LibraryPath).
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:45PM
    Hi All
    thanks for the correction Alexander, i meant to say the exports folder
    maybe because the original install puts compiled dcu in libfolder.

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