FastCube 2.1 released!

edited 7:38AM in News
FastCube 2.1

+ Added new progress type fcxpFetchingData to track loading data progress by TfcxCube.OnProgress
+ Added TfcxSlice.OnScriptError event to handle errors in script
+ Added script functions to search measure value by dimensions values: TMeasure.GetValueWithColDimValues(ADimValues: Array of variant): Variant and TMeasure.GetValueWithRowDimValues(ADimValues: Array of variant): Variant
+ Added TfcxMeasuresContainer.AddCalculationScript procedure for adding functions to script
+ Added TMeasures.CurrentMeasureIndex: Integer and TMeasures.CurrentMeasureName: String properties for use in scripts
+ Added TfcxSliceDataZone.PopupCell: TfcxMeasureCell property for use in popup menus
+ Added an ability to use default color palette in export to Excel
+ Added an ability to override zone popup menus or to inject own menu items into zone popup menus
+ Added selection rows/columns group for selected cell
+ Added TopN Load/Save together with schema
+ TopN popup shows inactive conditions
+ Added Save menu in TfcxSliceGridToolbar
+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnMenuItemClick event which allows to change reaction of menu items on toolbar
+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnButtonClick event which allows to change reaction of buttons on toolbar
+ Added TfcxAxisContainer.ShowTotalAs: TfcxShowTotalAs property. See default value for each axis in TfcxSlice.Settings
+ Added TfcxMeasuresContainer.DeleteMeasures
+ Added an ability to show hint for SliceGrid elements (use ShowHint = True to enable it)
+ Added TfcxCustomToolbar.OnGetButtonVisible event which allows to change visibility of particular buttons on toolbar
+ Added TfcxpSliceGridReport component
+ Added Version property to FastCube components
+ Added XE5 support in Recompile Wizard
+ Added TfcxSliceContainer.Alignment
+ Added TfcxSliceGrid.OnDataDblClick event to be compatible with 1.x versions
+ Call the first export filter on Export button click if there are no other filters registered
+ Auto drop down toolbutton menu if it has no other click action
+ Added property TfcxSlice.Settings (default setting for axis and fields)
+ Added check type for date/time splitting
+ Added: Fields List now popups by mouse click on any point inside button (instead of click on popup indicator only)
+ Added TfcxSliceGrid.OnGetClipboardText and TfcxCubeGrid.OnGetClipboardText event handlers to allow override standard behavior
+ Added an ability to hide CaptionZone in SliceGrid and CubeGrid
+ Added Portuguese translation and help files
+ Added Czech translation by Karel Janeček
+ Added Italian translation by Augusto Pellis
+ Added partial translation for languages from FastCube 1
- Fixed a bug with converting types of loading data
- Fixed scrollbar disabling when it had position > 0
- Fixed error with HideTotalForSingleValue in axis with measures
- Fixed errors with Hidden nodes
- Fixed export cells with Percent and Rank
- Fixed error in Data marker
- Fixed error in export to Excel
- Fixed error in row/column selection
- Fixed some errors in TopN
- Fixed error in GetData from DataSet in Delphi XE3-XE5
- Fixed error of saving filters of Date and Time parts
- Fixed some errors in TopN
- Fixed error with TDataSet from DLL
- Fixed error in fcxCube.AppendData
- Fixed error in TimeStamp and BCD
- Fixed errors while exporting an empty slice to Excel
- Fixed AV in with empty Cube
- Fixed some AV in empty Slice
- Fixed memory leak in FieldsPopup
- Fixed integer overflow in Hash for string fileds
- Fixed "Range check error" after DblClick in empty SliceGrid
- Fixed AV on resize in empty SliceGrid
* Added overloaded methods AddCalcMeasure and InsertCalcMeasure to create calculation measures with var section
* Added: Export tool button not enabled when no registered exports
* Renamed TfcxSliceGrid.Export to TfcxSliceGrid.DoExport
* Fixed Chart package for Delphi XE3
* Fixed alignment popup menu check state
* Fixed an error with memory corruption on unicode versions of Delphi (D2009+)
* Fixed data loading from TWideStringField
* Fixed LoadFromStream() did not load streams previosly saved by SaveToStream()
* Fixed garbage on slice grid in some cases
* Added missing lazarus form files for FastScript integration
* Fixed loading string resources with FPC >= 2.7.1
* Fixed Measure/Dimension caption change in Lazarus applications
* Fixed file names for case sensitive file systems (like on Mac OS X and Linux)

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