Adding a new Query and launching FastQueryBuilder

Mark ElderMark Elder SD, USA
edited 9:05AM in FastReport 4.0

I am trying to give my users a button to add their own query when editing a report. I am adding a ADO Database object if it does not already exist; setting the connection string; then adding a ADO Query and attaching it to the database.

As the last step I would like to open FastQueryBuilder for the SQL of my newly created query. If that is not possible I would like to at least open up the SQL Editor so they only need to click on the FastQueryBuilder button.

Here is the code I have working so far. I am stumped on what I need to do in order to open up the edit window for the new query.


procedure TReportPlugin.actDesignerReportAddQueryExecute(Sender: TObject);
  ConnectionString = 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=%s;Persist Security Info=False';
  Database: TfrxADODatabase;
  Query: TfrxADOQuery;

  Database := TfrxADODatabase(frxReport.FindComponent('MgrDatabase'));

  if Database = nil then
    // Add the Database
    Database := TfrxADODatabase.Create(frxReport.Pages[0]);
    Database.Name := 'MgrDatabase';
    Database.DatabaseName := Format(ConnectionString, [FExtraVariables.Values['MgrDatabase']]);
    Database.LoginPrompt := false;
    Database.Top := 50;
    Database.Left := 50;
    Database.Connected := true;

  // Add a new Query and hook it up to the database
  Query := TfrxADOQuery.Create(frxReport.Pages[0]);
  Query.Database := Database;
  Query.Top := 100;
  // This is not perfect but at least gives us a chance that multiple queries
  // will not be stacked right on top of each other hiding some of them.
  Query.Left := frxReport.DataSets.Count * 40;

  // The data set still needs to be added so the Treeview showing the avaliable data
  // sees this dataset.

  FDesignerForm.Modified := true;

  // Launch the query builder


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