Report Title


I??m saving an loading my report from a database using loadfromstram and savefromstram.

How can I change report title? I??changed but title alwys is untitled



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:58AM
    felixinasa wrote: »

    I??m saving an loading my report from a database using loadfromstram and savefromstram.

    How can I change report title? I??changed but title alwys is untitled

    Sample code of where you are loading the report please.
  • edited 2:58AM
    gordk wrote: »
    gordk wrote: »

    I??m saving an loading my report from a database using loadfromstram and savefromstram.

    How can I change report title? I??changed but title alwys is untitled

    Sample code of where you are loading the report please.

    first I llaunch the designer:
      frReport.ReportOptions.Name := 'Nuevo';  //but report name is untitled

    then capture save event and save it to DB. Save dialog show "untitled' as report name

    and with this code I load report again:
      ImpresosDataSet.Locate('ID', id, []);
        (ImpresosDataSet.fieldByName('Impreso') as TBlobField).SaveToStream(stream);
        stream.Position := 0;
       frReport.ReportOptions.Name := 'Nuevo'; 

    but report name always is untitled.fr3


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:58AM
    do things in the correct order
    first locate and load the report into the tfrxreport component then
    set the report options name then call design report.

    ImpresosDataSet.Locate('ID', id, []);
    (ImpresosDataSet.fieldByName('Impreso') as TBlobField).SaveToStream(stream);
    stream.Position := 0;
    // frReport.ReportOptions.Name := 'Nuevo'; you set the name before loading,move this line to
    frReport.ReportOptions.Name := 'Nuevo';

  • edited 2:58AM
    gordk wrote: »
    do things in the correct order
    first locate and load the report into the tfrxreport component then
    set the report options name then call design report.

    ImpresosDataSet.Locate('ID', id, []);
    (ImpresosDataSet.fieldByName('Impreso') as TBlobField).SaveToStream(stream);
    stream.Position := 0;
    // frReport.ReportOptions.Name := 'Nuevo'; you set the name before loading,move this line to
    frReport.ReportOptions.Name := 'Nuevo';

    Ok, thanks

    I do that, and when I preview report I see 'nuevo' as caption.
    but designer caption is "untitled.fr3' and when report is closed ask about to save untitled.fr3.
    How can I change this untitled.fr3? or capture this event and show my own message?

    I have captured onSveReport event.

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