Creating a new FastReport in C++ Builder

Hello! I am brand new to Fast Report. I used to use Rave Report, as it came pre-installed with C++ Builder. Here is the code to create an empty Rave Report in C++ Builder:
void __fastcall TfrReports::pbCreateReportClick(TObject *Sender)
  TRvProject* rp = new TRvProject(this);

  TRvSystem* rs = new TRvSystem(this);
  rs->SystemPreview->FormState = wsMaximized;
  rs->SystemSetups = rs->SystemSetups >> ssAllowSetup;

  rs->DefaultDest = rdPreview;

  rp->Engine = rs;
  rp->Name = "MyRaveProject";

  // Every new Rave Report project contains a report called "Report1", so find it.
  TRaveReport* rr = (TRaveReport*)rp->ProjMan->FindReport("Report1", true);

  TRavePage* page = rr->FirstPage;
  page->PaperSize = DMPAPER_LETTER;
  page->Orientation = Rpdefine::poPortrait;

  TRaveRegion* region = (TRaveRegion*)page->CreateChild(__classid(TRaveRegion));

  // Done creating the report; now show it.

  // Clean up.
  delete region;
  delete rs;
  delete rp;

} // end void __fastcall TfrReports::pbCreateReportClick(TObject *Sender)

Could somebody please show me how to create a similar empty Fast Report in C++ Builder?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:25PM
    read the programmers manual build a report from code.
    scoll tdown to c++ section

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