How to stretch memo vertically?
I'm using 8 memo fields to display a MS-SQL table from text columns.
These memo fields should display all the content of the column and must grow vertically as needed.
The resulting height must be equal for the pair (the height of the left memo must be equal to the height of the right memo)
even if the content is different or null for one of them.
They are arranged in pairs horizontally so they can't grow to the sides.
I tried with a detail band with several options for StretchMode, FlowTo, adding children bands for each pair,
setting stretch for the bands and so on.
Is this possible with FR4?
Best Regards
Francisco Alvarado
These memo fields should display all the content of the column and must grow vertically as needed.
The resulting height must be equal for the pair (the height of the left memo must be equal to the height of the right memo)
even if the content is different or null for one of them.
They are arranged in pairs horizontally so they can't grow to the sides.
I tried with a detail band with several options for StretchMode, FlowTo, adding children bands for each pair,
setting stretch for the bands and so on.
Is this possible with FR4?
Best Regards
Francisco Alvarado
the band containing memos must be set to stretch and allow split should be set to true
the memos in the band must have their stretchmode set to smmax wordwrap must be set to true
and you may want to set vertical alignment props as well