Cross Tab Error Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)

Hello I modified you printing string grid Example in the following way. In Cell [1,1] I added a string
Cell[1,1]:='A long text with some strings'
In the Crosstab Editor I unchecked each option and set Rows,Columns and Cells to 1.
When I invoke the print preview I got the error message ?«Could not convert variant of type (String) into type (Double)?».

In your FAQ you say "If in the cross-table cells you used string values, then you need to disconnect functions arguments in the cross-table editor ."
But I think I had done this. Or is there anywhere else an option I can uncheck ?
Can anyone give me a simple example where FR prints a stringgrid with some rows and strings in it ?

If it is important. I use Fastreport 4.12


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:00AM
    make sure you have selected none in the functions.
    look in your fastreport 4\demos\printstringgrid.
  • edited 11:00AM
    But this is exactely what I have don. I just add a StringGrid1.Cells[1, 1] := 'This is a Text'; in the form create and removed the calculated functions in the Crossreport item. Or did you mean some other functions ?
    I attached the project. Oh, if it is important. I use Delphi 6
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:00AM
    it runs fine as soon as you enter the cross editor and set the cell functions to none instead of sum
  • edited 11:00AM
    Thanks a lot.

    No I have seen this function. I thought I had to modify it somewhere in the Objektinspector or at the checkboxes of the cross-tab editor. I didn't see the cell function in the Cross-tab structure.
    Now I noticed the drop down menu and changed it. After I changed it to none it runs fina as you described
    Thanks again

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