Snap size
how can I change the "snap size" of the designer from code?
I would like to change it from 0,25 to 0,2.
how can I change the "snap size" of the designer from code?
I would like to change it from 0,25 to 0,2.
You have to access file FastReport.config and modify the file.
The file as an xml file. You can find the code to edit xml.
example content of empty FastReport.config =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DesignerForm Maximized="1"/>
<PreviewForm Maximized="1"/>
<UIStyle Style="Office2007Black"/>
example content of modify FastReport.config =
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DesignerForm Maximized="1"/>
<PreviewForm Maximized="1"/>
<UIStyle Style="Office2007Black"/>
<Report Units="Centimeters" SnapSizeMillimeters="1" SnapSizeCentimeters="0.2" SnapSizeInches="0.1" SnapSizeHundrethsOfInch="10" ShowGrid="1" SnapToGrid="1" DottedGrid="1" MarkerStyle="Corners" BandStructureSplitter="170" Scale="1" AutoGuides="0" ClassicView="1" EditAfterInsert="0"/>
"many roads to roma"