Problem with shifted Text

edited 7:43AM in FastReport 4.0
I use 2 TFrxMemoViews (let's call them top- and bottom-memo) and between them another 2 Memos (memo2 and memo3). The later are postioned side by side with the same top-values but they do not overlap. All 4 have there shiftmode set to "smAlways". The top Memo has its stretchMode set to "smActual height".

The Memos 2, 3 and the bottom-memo shall be shifted down, depending on the Number of lines in the top-memo. This works fine for the Memos 2 and 3, but the bottom-memo is shifted twice. The Result is, that the distance between the bottom-memo and and the memos above it increases depending on the number of lines in the top-memo.

A screen-shot of the problem is attached.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:43AM
    The engine process a design page from top down depending upon band type
    and from left to riright within a band in order of creation.
    i see problems in the example you have given.
    1 objects are directly on the page
    2 the bottom memo was created before memo1 and memo 1 is overlaping the bottom memo.
    therefore it is probably making a best guess as to what is required.
    Normally you would place thememos in this manner
    band with
    memo fixed height
    memo memo stretching
    childband with next
    memo memostretching
    childband with
    memo memo fixed height.
  • edited 7:43AM
    Thank you for the quick answer.

    I don't think the problem depends on the use of bands or the order of creation of objects.

    If you compare the (new) screenshot with just one memo between top and bottom-memo
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited August 2013
    i expect one of the memos has the stretchmode set to smmaxheight and is picking up the size of the bottom memo.
    child bands can be chained.
    generally i would use
    masterdataband //child property set to child1 stretch true, since you probably have your dataset
    connected to the report component to iterate through the records, set the band to virtualdataset and record count of 1

    childband1 //for other orstretching memos childproperty set to child2, stretch true
    childband2 for more memos not stretchingor not
    childband3 and so on if needed.
    pagefooterband //for memos with info like pageno date printed etc.
  • edited August 2013
    Problem solved using bands.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

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