How to enable native IBO support?

Hi, to enable native (IB_) IBO component support, in the old 2.x days there was a define in the file, while in FR3 I've found nothing like that.
I've tried the Datasource or Dataset porperty of frxDBDataset but, as expected, my IB_ components are not seen.
How can I do?
btw, importing FR2.53 exported reports, I've a lot of text components in the wrong vertical position respect the bands they should belong to (they usually are nearer the bottom of the page than they should be, or they overlap, etc.). Is it a bug, an inevitable porblem, or am I missing something? Maybe my original band layout is not what the conversion filter expects...


  • edited 8:47AM
    In the next build we will include IBO wrapper.
    When inmorting old reports, you should turn on the "Free bands placement" option in the FR3 designer.

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