FR4 Help Please,Very Important
Please i need help
I created Fastreport 4 in visual studio 2012 and created series with pie chart in it with the following code:
Report report1 = new Report();
ReportPage page = new ReportPage();
page.ReportTitle = new ReportTitleBand();
page.ReportTitle.Height = Units.Centimeters * 10;
List<northwndClassView> list = retuen_proc_result(); //Fill with any data
report1.Report.RegisterData(list, "Items_Orders");
// create MSChart Object
MSChartObject chart = new MSChartObject();
chart.Parent = page.ReportTitle;
chart.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 45, Units.Centimeters * 19, Units.Centimeters * 10);
MSChartSeries barSeries = chart.AddSeries(SeriesChartType.Pie);
chart.DataSource = report1.GetDataSource("Items_Orders");
barSeries.XValue = "[Items_Orders.ShipCountry]";
barSeries.YValue1 = "[Items_Orders.Year]";
barSeries.GroupBy = GroupBy.XValue;
WebReport1.Report = report1;
and the pie chart is appeared successfully but i want to make labels of pie chart to be appeared outside the chart
Please any help
I created Fastreport 4 in visual studio 2012 and created series with pie chart in it with the following code:
Report report1 = new Report();
ReportPage page = new ReportPage();
page.ReportTitle = new ReportTitleBand();
page.ReportTitle.Height = Units.Centimeters * 10;
List<northwndClassView> list = retuen_proc_result(); //Fill with any data
report1.Report.RegisterData(list, "Items_Orders");
// create MSChart Object
MSChartObject chart = new MSChartObject();
chart.Parent = page.ReportTitle;
chart.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 45, Units.Centimeters * 19, Units.Centimeters * 10);
MSChartSeries barSeries = chart.AddSeries(SeriesChartType.Pie);
chart.DataSource = report1.GetDataSource("Items_Orders");
barSeries.XValue = "[Items_Orders.ShipCountry]";
barSeries.YValue1 = "[Items_Orders.Year]";
barSeries.GroupBy = GroupBy.XValue;
WebReport1.Report = report1;
and the pie chart is appeared successfully but i want to make labels of pie chart to be appeared outside the chart
Please any help