undeclared identifier "frvariables"


I am trying to pass a string to my report using form2.frreport1.frvariables:='2351';

but i get a compiler error undeclared identifier "frvariables" if i leave the line out my everything else works fine.

Can you suggest what I am doing wrong?

It is freereports that I am using


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:47PM
    Hi Pete
    from faq.txt
    2.25. How to pass a value to the report?
    There are several methods to do this. First is to use global object
    frVariables (defined in FR_Class unit):

    frVariables := 10;
    *****Note no dot notation in front of frvariables but do it after loading a report.
    **** also as noted below watch the string value passed in in some cases you must wrap with ''''+ 'strval' +''''

    This code creates a new variable with 'My variable' name and value = 10.
    This method is best to pass static data to the report.

    Second method is to use the TfrReport.OnGetValue event. You can use this
    method to pass dynamic data, i.e. data that changes from record to record.

    procedure TForm1.frReport1GetValue(ParName: String; var ParValue: Variant);
    if ParName = 'MyField' then
    ParValue := Table1MyField.Value;

    Finally, third method is to define variable from dictionary programmatically:

    with frReport1.Dictionary do
    Variables := 'CustomerData.Customers."CustNo"';
    Variables := '10';

    (can I pass data from report to the program?)

    Use frVariables object. If you write the following code in any script:

    MyVariable := 10

    then in your program you can use this code to retrieve MyVariable value:
    v := frVariables;
  • ajuaju
    edited 9:47PM
    hi gord,
    and how does that work in bcbuilder(6). I always get compiler errors...
    Something like : can't convert from char* to int,
    TfrVariables::operator=(int) not found...

    Thanks and regards,

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