Tab to a Text Memo Control on OnPreviewClick
When a user selects a text object, a DialogPage with a memo control gets the input and displays it in the text object. How can I place the cursor inside the memo control when it pops up? The user has to click inside the box to type.
Here is the pascal code. I would like to tab to or give focus to the text area in Memo73. Thanks.
Here is the pascal code. I would like to tab to or give focus to the text area in Memo73. Thanks.
procedure Memo2OnPreviewClick(Sender: TfrxView; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: Integer; var Modified: Boolean);
  s1 : string;                                             Â
  Label2.caption:='Type information';  //Label ID on Dialog   Â
  Memo73.Lines.Text := TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text;     Â
  Memo73.visible:=True; //MemoID on dialog                                 Â
  TfrxMemoView(Sender).Text := Memo73.Lines.Text;  //MemoID on Dialog     Â
  Modified := True;