Increase Text Object Character Limit
It looks like the default character limit of a text object is 255. Is there a way to increase that amount? Is there a property to allow it to grow?
Edit: I'm just learning Fast Reports. I now realize that the size of the text object limits the size. It still seems that 255 is the limit for large text objects.
Edit: I'm just learning Fast Reports. I now realize that the size of the text object limits the size. It still seems that 255 is the limit for large text objects.
and wordwrap to true.
No, I never got it to work. I set the StretchMode to smMaxHeight. The other options are smDontStretch and smActualHeight. I am using an onPreview click event to get the input. I still don't fully understand the Pascal code. I ended up using what is called a DialogPage that allows more characters as input. I copied the DialogPage and code from another report. Once I figure out how it actually works I'll post an explanation here.
I am a programmer but do not know Pascal or FastReports.