Conversion from FR2 to FR3

I have problems with conversion reports from FR2 to FR3. I saved all my made reports in FR2 to file .fr3. Then I installed FR3, but when I try to open saved report an error occures :

The following error has occured :
Couldn't find class TfrDetailtData
Couldn't find class TfrFooter
Couldn't find class TfrHeader
Couldn't find class TfrMasterData

Can you help me ?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:43AM
    You probably missed renaming app objects to fr3 objects
    ie calls to frreport1.some method
    should now be frxreport1.some method
    frdbdataset is now frxdbdataset.
    You basicly need to duplicate original forms using fr3 components.
  • edited 7:43AM
    Actually this is likely the same problem I'm having. The conversion process seems to be incomplete and does not convert the old components to the new components. Just looking in the converted .fr3 files there are lots of references to the old components such as TfrDetailtData. Even if I compile the executable with both fastreports 2.53 and 3.0 it can't open the converted files.

    So either I'm doing something wrong or the conversion process doesn't work yet.
  • edited 7:43AM
    So I have to download the latest version of FastReport 2.53 and save all my reports in this version ????
    Or how to make this conversion?? (TFr --> TFrx)

  • MatMat
    edited 7:43AM
    When converting from 2.53, just do a stringreplace on the saved .fr3 file and replace all Tfr with Tfrx.

    If you used a localized version (e.g. german resources) you need to replace umlauts too.

  • edited 7:43AM
    Mat, that was one of the first things I tried. However, the old type names don't match cleanly to the new types. For instance, there doesn't appear to be any TfrxRoundRectView component. What exactly should I rename that to, and what about missing fields in the new components? This isn't exactly something I want to start guessing on.
  • edited 7:43AM
    FR2.53 has correct class names! Probably you did not full upgrade to FR2.53 (you should download all FR2.53 files, not only fr_class.pas!)
  • edited 7:43AM
    Well apparently all I needed was the new 2.53 fr_class.pas file to get the new types. Why this isn't included in the 2.53 installer I don't quite understand. Apparently it was still using the old 2.51 fr_class.pas before or something.

    I'm still having a problem with it not finding the TfrxRoundRectView class though, but perhaps I'm missing something else. Seems to me it should have converted it to a TfrxShapeView type and set the appropriate shape.

    Having to have the TfrDBDataSet components to convert each report is really annoying though, since it makes writing a generic frf->fr3 converter just about impossible.

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