Subreport data going out of sync

edited 8:47PM in FastReport 4.0
I have a report which contains a MasterData band which has a subreport placed on it. The report prints fine for a while but after a few pages the subreport data starts to go out of line and eventually crashes into the next row of subreport data. I've tried resizing/stretching/not stretching/deleting footers but nothing seems to fix the problem. I'm using version 4.6.1, but I also tried downloading the demo of 4.12.12 a while ago and still get the same problem with my report in that.

I've attached a pdf showing the page where the problem starts and a report tweaked to run with the fastreport demo data, it starts to go wrong on about page 6.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:47PM
    If your report is connected to tables in the same maner that is your problrm.
    nested Group headers do not work with tables.
    I would try this
    You need 1 query across 2 tables with an order by clause field 1 shoud be the the condition for the
    1st group header and field2 should be the condition of the second group header
    you then want to create a 2nd parameterized query for the subreport
  • edited 8:47PM
    Thanks for your response. I've tried removing the group headers completely and still get the same problem with data overlapping on the subreport. I've attached another pdf & fr3 showing the problem.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:47PM
    in the first demo you sent there is some other problem as the page header and footers are not printing
    at all.
    i would use a query across all 3 tables see the sales query in the nested report demo report
    the query is in the datamodule of the project
    title band
    page header
    2 group headers
    1 masterdata
    2 group footers
    page footer
    in the master databand use only the memos used in sub rep and delete the subreport.
    the other memos on the left can be no expression use the frames for lines

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