Some comments from a newbie

edited 9:41PM in FastReport 4.0
I have just spent about a month moving from Rave to Fast Reports (Delphi XE3) on a large project with some complicated reports. Mostly the experience has been good and I now much prefer FR to Rave but there were some issues on the way so I thought I would share them in the hope my experience can improve FR for the future:

1. Can you please add a sentence in your help files after the sentence that says you use frxUserDataSet to get data that is not in a database that tells me how to use that component. It took ages searching on Google to find out you need to override frxUserDataSet1GetValue(), but doing it was trivial once I realised that was what I had to do. Neither manual that installs with XE3 mentions this quite basic and essential information.
2. Can you sort out your units. You use cm in the designer but then switch to mm for some run time adjustments (like margins) or pixels for others (like positioning TMemo's) or tenths of a mm for others (like line spacing). Why not just stick to mm all the time?
3. Can you add a simple way to print one page from a preview. The only solution that works for me is deleting all the other pages, printing the one left, then recreating the report (which for me is a composite report with a custom preview screen). Nobody on your forum could improve on this.
4. I think there is a bug in your HTML export from a rich edit that uses tabs. I know HTML does not easily create lined up text using tabs but the current solution of treating each #9 char as a space does not work at all.

Overall however I think you have a good product. I had far less problems that I have experienced in the past with Rave.

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Rich Text Editor. To edit a paragraph's style, hit tab to get to the paragraph menu. From there you will be able to pick one style. Nothing defaults to paragraph. An inline formatting menu will show up when you select text. Hit tab to get into that menu. Some elements, such as rich link embeds, images, loading indicators, and error messages may get inserted into the editor. You may navigate to these using the arrow keys inside of the editor and delete them with the delete or backspace key.