FastReport for Lazarus under Linux
I have problem with install FR 4.14 (Ubuntu 13.04 32bit, Lazarus 1.1 r40788 CT FPC 2.7.1 i386-linux-gtk 2, Codetyphon Edition). Package fs_lazarus is compiling but lazarus cannot rebuild.
Under Windows 8 FR for lazarus installed without problem.
Please help me :-)
I have problem with install FR 4.14 (Ubuntu 13.04 32bit, Lazarus 1.1 r40788 CT FPC 2.7.1 i386-linux-gtk 2, Codetyphon Edition). Package fs_lazarus is compiling but lazarus cannot rebuild.
Debug: Resourcelazarus.pp(245,1) Error: Error while compiling resources. Compile with -vd for more details. Check for duplicates.
/usr/lib/codetyphon/lazarus/ide/lazarus.pp(245,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Under Windows 8 FR for lazarus installed without problem.
Please help me :-)