Odd issue with TFRXRichView

al_nolandal_noland Tulsa, Oklahoma
edited May 2013 in FastReport 4.0
In Delphi 2007 the following lines of code work correctly and give me the first line of text and the length of that text in the x and y values.

x := tfrxrichview(frxreport1.FindObject('RichReport')).RichEdit.lines[0]

y := length(tfrxrichview(frxreport1.FindObject('RichReport')).RichEdit.lines[0])

In Delphi XE2 the results are '' and 0. The ...Richedit.text shows the raw text correctly in both.

Anyone have thoughts as to what is causing this?

I'm using Fast Report 4.12.2 in both environments.


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