How to display some text on a page
Hello All,
I am a beginner in using fast report. I am using fast report manually coded, as seen below.
I would like to do first some simple things, as add some static text on a page.
If I tried to display ex. three text memos, only the last memo is displayed. It seems to be that the previous displayed memo is overwritten by the last memo.
What do I do wrong here ???
Thanks in advance,
I am a beginner in using fast report. I am using fast report manually coded, as seen below.
I would like to do first some simple things, as add some static text on a page.
If I tried to display ex. three text memos, only the last memo is displayed. It seems to be that the previous displayed memo is overwritten by the last memo.
What do I do wrong here ???
Thanks in advance,
procedure TMainForm.bReportClick(Sender: TObject);
  DataPage:  TfrxDataPage;
  DataPage1:  TfrxDataPage;
  Page:      TfrxReportPage;
  Band:      TfrxBand;
  Band1:      TfrxBand;
  Band2:      TfrxBand;
  Band3:      TfrxBand;
  Band4:      TfrxBand;
  Band5:      TfrxBand;
  DataBand:  TfrxMasterData;
  Header:    TfrxMemoView;
  Header2:    TfrxMemoView;
  Veld1, Veld2, Veld3, Veld4, Veld5:  TfrxMemoView;
  frxReport1.Clear;  { clear a report }
  Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(frxReport1);    { add a page }
  Page.CreateUniqueName;  // Page1                    { create a unique name }
  Page.SetDefaults;                            { set sizes of fields, paper and orientation by default }
  Page.PaperSize := DMPAPER_A4;
  Page.Orientation := poPortrait;              { Stel orientatie in }
  Band := TfrxReportTitle.Create(Page);        { add a report title band}
  Band.Top    := 0;                            { both coordinates are in pixels } { it is sufficient to set the ?«Top?» coordinate and height for a band }
  Band.Height := 50;                           Â
  Header := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band);          { add an object to the report title band }
  Header.Font.Name    := 'Comic Sans MS';
  Header.Font.Color  := clBlack;
  Header.Font.Height  := 28;
  Header.HAlign      := haCenter;
  Header.Height      := 30;
  Header.Align        := baWidth;              { this object will be stretched according to band???s width }
  Header.Text        := 'Conditie Rapportage';
  Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(frxReport1);    { add a page }
  Page.CreateUniqueName;  // Page2 { create a unique name }
  Page.SetDefaults;                    { set sizes of fields, paper and orientation by default }
  Page.PaperSize := DMPAPER_A4;
  Band1 := TfrxReportTitle.Create(Page); { add a report title band}
  Band1.Top    := 0;      { both coordinates are in pixels } { it is sufficient to set the ?«Top?» coordinate and height for a band }
  Band1.Height := 50;   Â
  Header2 := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band1); { add an object to the report title band }
  Header2.Font.Name    := 'Comic Sans MS';
  Header2.Font.Color  := clBlack;
  Header2.Font.Height  := 28;
  Header2.HAlign      := haCenter;
  Header2.Height      := 30;
  Header2.Align        := baWidth;    { this object will be stretched according to band???s width }
  Header2.Text        := 'Conditie Rapportage pagina twee';
//------------------------EINDE HEADER------------------------------------------
  Label1:= TfrxMemoView.Create(Band1); { add an object to the report title band }
  Label2 := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band1); { add an object to the report title band }
  Label3 := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band1); { add an object to the report title band }
  Label4 := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band1); { add an object to the report title band }
  Label5 := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band1); { add an object to the report title band }
  Label1.Font.Name    := 'Arial';
  Label1.Font.Color  := clBlack;
  Label1.Font.Size    := 12;
  Label1.HAlign      := haLeft;
  Label1.Height      := 100;
  Label1.Align        := baWidth;    { this object will be stretched according to band???s width }
  Label1.Top          := 40;
  Label1.Text        := 'Memo Tekst Veld1';
  Label2.Font.Name    := 'Arial';
  Label2.Font.Color  := clBlack;
  Label2.Font.Size    := 12;
  Label2.HAlign      := haLeft;
  Label2.Height      := 100;
  Label2.Align        := baWidth;
  Label2.Top          := 80;
  Label2.Text        := 'Memo Tekst Veld2';
  Labe3.Font.Name    := 'Arial';
  Label3.Font.Color  := clBlack;
  Label3.Font.Size    := 12;
  Label3.HAlign      := haLeft;
  Label3.Height      := 100;
  Label3.Align        := baWidth;
  Label3.Top          := 120;
  Label3.Text        := 'Memo Tekst Veld3';
  frxReport1.ShowReport;  { show the report }
When you add an object to the band set all the properties for the object after you create it.
when adding more than 1 memoview to a band you may find you need to set the left prop of the memoview
or they will all be placed one on top of the other.
TIP add a report designer to your project and instead of calling show report, insert a temporary call to
design report and you will see what you have created in the designer.