Query based record set

Hi ,

Problem: I am not able to write a code for query based record data

What I need : I want to create a report for employee table and want to pass a parameter as below

Example- Select * from employee where dept = <parameter>

Can you please provide me the solution ? as I m new in fast report .



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:34PM
    look at the maindemo internal datasets internal query report
  • edited 11:34PM
    doncht wrote: »
    Hi. What specifically are we looking for at the internal query report please?

    I have already an application in XE2 . now I want to create a report using by FastReport .

    But before starting complex report , I want to create one Demo report for POC .

    Below , what I did so far .

    ??? have added one VCL form in our Xe2 application - added one text box as well (Tedit1.text)
    ??? have added Tfrxreport component
    ??? have added TGlobalQuery
    ??? Have added TfrxDBDataset

    Below , what I want to do

    ??? Want to pass existing database which I???m using in existing application (ex- database name )
    ??? Want to create query with parameter for example- Select * from employee where employee name = <Tedit1.text >
    ??? Want to populate result on memo field which will appear on Master band

    But I want to do above things using by CODE.

    Means ??? all the controls properties want to set by code not on GUI level .


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