Runtime Error 216 with frxChartObject


I have a problem with frxChartObject. When I drop a chart object component on a form/datamodule, and when I build -> run the project, it doesnt start and gives a runtime error 216 instead. No other component causes such a problem, and rest of FR4 works fine.

I tried to add ShareMem to uses clause, hoping it was some memory management/dll problem, but that didnt help.

By the way, I'm using Delphi XE with FR 4.13.1 VCL (according to frxReport component version property).

Any idea, pointers would help. Thanks.

(I hope this is right place to post my problem)

Tuncay Goncuoglu

Additional information:

Two scenarios:
1) Create new clean project, use frxReport and frxChartObject, everything works fine.
2) Open existing project without frxChartObject (but with frxReport), everything works fine. Add frxChartObject, get runtime error 216. Then remove frxChartObject and remove frxChart unit, everything is fine again.

Is there any prerequisite that frxChartObject assumes that I should know of ? The project also uses JediVCL and ZeosLib, but not much else as components, so interference with other components is not very likely.


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