show total in the last row of the masterdata

Good morning,

i'm trying to solve this problem but i can't find a way.
i have to do a list of payments with many clients but i have to put the total value received at the last row of the client, but
i can't use the group footer because it adds one more line.
i just want to show the total value at the last line of the client in the masterdata.
i use the groupheader just to group the clients but the total i just can not put at the row the way i want.
this is the way i need... (i hope you can understand)

CLIENT_________PRODUCT___1?? PAY_________COMIS____RECEIVED
JOAO DA SILVA__PROD_1____R$ 1.000,00_____R$ 80,00__R$ 1.080,00
JOSE PEREIRA___PROD_1____R$ 1.500,00_____R$ 120,00
_______________PROD_2____R$ 1.200,00_____R$ 96,00
_______________PROD_3____R$ _800,00_____R$ 64,00____R$ 3.780,00
TI??O MACAL??___PROD_1_____R$ 1.300,00____R$ 104,00
______________PROD_2_____R$ 1.700,00____R$ 136,00___R$ 3.240,00
TOTAL OF PAYMENTS________R$ 7.500,00_____R$ 600,00___R$ 8.100,00



  • I did something similar and created an sql query which listed my payments and totaled my payments (it wasn't paymenst in my case - but the same idea) and included a group by clause the the sql query. I then added a new summary band after the masterdata and displayed the summary fields on that band.

    I am no sql guru but you could possibly do query such as

    select client, product, pay, comis, received, sum(pay), sum(comis), sum(received) from table group by client, product

    then your master data woudl contain client, product, pay, comis, received,

    and your summary band would contain sum(pay), sum(comis), sum(received)
  • edited 10:19PM
    ok.. but at realy my problem is not the sum... but where i must display it...

    the total values are simple to do.. but i have to show it at the last row of the masterdata... for each client

    just like this...

    [line 1] - JHONNY pay $1000 + $100
    [line 2] - JHONNY pay $1500 + $150
    [line 3] - JHONNY pay $1200 + $120 = [I have to show this total value only here at the master data row]
    next cliente i do the same thing....

    with the masterdata the total value is displayed on every row or only at the first row.. but i have to show it at the last row...

    i tryed crossdata but it doesn't word the way i need it made the sum for each column...
  • edited March 2013
    Create a variable Balance
    In the group header of client you set Balance to 0
    In the before print event of masterdata you add the current transaction value to Balance

    That is the easy part. The more difficult one is how can the masterdata know it is the last band before it prints?
    A subquery should be able to deliver that information.

    SELCT A.*
    [WHERE clause]
    [ORDER clause]

    Both WHERE and ORDER clauses must be identical

    In the report you can then test for
    frxDataset."A.ID" = frxDataset."MAX_ID"
    and manage the visibility of the Balance field. If equal show the field, otherwise hide.
  • edited 10:19PM
    ok... it's perfect...

    i made a (select count(*).....) in the query and get the total records from each client...

    on the onbeforeprint i put a variable count and campare it to the total count select...


  • hsmhsm
    edited March 2013
    ok.. but at realy my problem is not the sum... but where i must display it...

    the total values are simple to do.. but i have to show it at the last row of the masterdata... for each client

    just like this...

    [line 1] - JHONNY pay $1000 + $100
    [line 2] - JHONNY pay $1500 + $150
    [line 3] - JHONNY pay $1200 + $120 = [I have to show this total value only here at the master data row]
    next cliente i do the same thing....

    with the masterdata the total value is displayed on every row or only at the first row.. but i have to show it at the last row...

    i tryed crossdata but it doesn't word the way i need it made the sum for each column...
    Add a line to your sql to see how many payments each client has made like this

    (select count(PaymentID) from TablePayments as T where T.ClientID = TablePayments.ClientID) as NumberOfPaymentsThisClient,

    Then Add a variable to the report's code eg
    MasterLineNumber : integer;

    In the Client header obp put
    MasterlineNumber := 0;

    In the masterband obp put
    MasterLineNumber := MasterLineNumber + 1;
    In the masterdata band put a memo with the contents
    [IIF(<MasterLineNumber> = <[frxDBDataset1."NumberOfPaymentsThisClient"], frxDBDataset1."Sum",'')]
    so it shows the sum if it's the last line for that client or nothing if its not
  • edited 10:19PM
    hsm wrote: »
    Add a line to your sql to see how many payments each client has made like this

    (select count(PaymentID) from TablePayments as T where T.ClientID = TablePayments.ClientID) as NumberOfPaymentsThisClient,

    Then Add a variable to the report's code eg
    MasterLineNumber : integer;

    In the Client header obp put
    In the masterband obp put In the masterdata band put a memo with the contents so it shows the sum if it's the last line for that client or nothing if its not

    this is what i did... it's perfect... thanxs...
  • edited 10:19PM
    i have to do a list of payments with many clients but i have to put the total value received at the last row of the client, but
    i can't use the group footer because it adds one more line.
    i just want to show the total value at the last line of the client in the masterdata.

    Actually, as an alternative, you could have solved this by using a group footer:

    1. Add a group footer 'MyFooter', and a summary in a memo 'MyMemo' inside the group footer. Ajust the memo horizontally correct.
    2. Add code in main code area of the report:

    MyFooter.height := 0; := 0 - MyDetailband.height +; // or something like this to align vertically correct with your details


  • edited 10:19PM
    Very Good.

    This works perfect.

    Tanks. >

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