Supress detail band on master-detail with no detail data

I have a report with one master and one detail band. In my dataset there will always be data in the master band but often the objects on detail band will be empty.

The detail band though when it is populated is quite large and as things l stand my report contains lots of empty space. PrintIfDetailEmpty is false on the Detaildata band.

Is there a way of supressing the detail band if there is no data to display?


  • gpigpi
    edited 11:45PM
    Is there a way of supressing the detail band if there is no data to display?
    DetailData1.Visible := False
  • Thanks gpi

    but that makes the detaildata band invisible irrespective of whether there is data in any of the object on the band.

    I am suprised that this is not the default position for FR, it would seem to make sense that if there is no data to display on a band then it is not displayed.
  • edited 11:45PM
    I'm pretty much sure that there's a good reason for this. I just can't think of any.
  • gpigpi
    edited 11:45PM
    Use band's OnBeforePrint event to hide/show band
  • gpi wrote: »
    Use band's OnBeforePrint event to hide/show band

    Thanks gpi that works - but i should have bene clear clear) rather than my user writing code to check whether fields are empty.
  • edited 11:45PM
    I'm using OnBeforePrint to print DetailData1 if it IS empty:

    procedure DetailData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      if DetailData1.RowCount = 0 then
       DetailData1.Visible := True;
       DetailData1.PrintIfDetailEmpty := True;

    And none of that, separately or together, seems to work. An example would be nice.
    gpi wrote: »
    Use band's OnBeforePrint event to hide/show band
  • It's the opposite :

    Set on the FR Designer the MasterData BAND :

    PrintifDetailIsEmpty : True

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